
Song of Happiness

I have to admit it, today didn't start out on a great note. Yesterday afternoon's mail brought me a 3 ton boulder of stress on my shoulders and a 15 foot knot of rope in my stomach, at least that's what it felt like. I woke up this morning and actually shed some tears for the first time in a long time. Logically I know it's okay to cry once in awhile but I guess I've been trying to hold it in and keep pushing forward with my head to the ground and I figured once I had actual income, I'd let myself "let it all out" once and for all. I broke this morning.

My friend Lisa is getting married today on St. Thomas and I couldn't be there, I sent in my paperwork to sell my 401k and got a letter from Unemployment about my benefits being close to over. I could go on.

But after a lovely protein shake and a shower, I decided today was the day. I was actually feeling somewhat confident despite my tears.
First off, I received a call about a great part time job that is hiring this week that I'm HOPING for. Then I got ready, got dressed in a nice business outfit, packed up my marketing materials and set out to go business to business for Energy Depot. My friend *we'll call him CC* is in sales, so he gave me some really useful pointers. He told me to hit 10 businesses. Just 10, and see how I feel. Well, I surpassed it and hit 22! Since I mainly hit restaurants, a lot of owners weren't there during the day. I got the times when they WOULD be and will go back tomorrow and hopefully speak to most if not all of them. I did, however, get one appointment for tomorrow afternoon! I also got a "come back next week" thing. My friend works at that business, so hopefully it pays off. Even though I didn't speak to a lot of owners and make actual presentations, I feel good that I was able to walk into businesses and get that out of the way. Throughout the day I texted CC and he told me to power on. So I did. I feel pretty good even though I didn't make an actual sale today.

I'm back at home now resting my weary feet and getting ready to go see "Tibet In Song",
winner of the Special Jury Prize at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, with my friend Jevon. He offered to treat, bless his heart. I'm skipping Satsang tonight to see it.

We'll see what tomorrow holds!!

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