
Hello Spring!

Wow. I should've started writing this blog 4 months ago, but alas, here I am in April. Better late than never!

So - I've now been unemployed for *gasp* 4 months and 16 days. I guess one could argue that I did have a 'temporary job' for 3 1/2 weeks in March (though it's something I think I'd rather forget).

Time to put it all out in the open. I was laid off on December 1st, 2008. Like many people who had seemingly stable jobs, I never thought this would happen to me. I was completely blindsided. I had 4 hours of panic and hysteria, then got on the internet, revamped my resume and sent out around 50. Problem was, NO ONE hires in December, it's holiday season! My first 6 weeks of unemployment, there were literally no jobs open.

I decided to go and visit my parents in California and take a few days off from the stress. It was a great week. I was able to see my best friend from high school and play in the snow a little. When I got back it was more of the same. After January 6th was when I could finally start looking. It was VERY slow. I had a few interviews in January, a few in February, and one landed me a full time job to begin on March 6th. I won't really get into it, those who already know, know. Those who don't can use their imaginations. It lasted 3 1/2 weeks and ended when I contracted bacterial pneumonia somehow.

Now it's April and I'm pounding the pavement yet again, day after day, basically willing to do anything. It's scary, I know a lot of people in my position. People who had money in the bank, people who made a really good salary. People who were NOT expecting this to happen to "them". We went from traveling, living life comfortably, to putting a freeze on all our credit cards and praying we can figure out how to make rent this month. I believe with all my heart that trying times are to test our strength. Things happen for a reason, to make us stronger and to teach us or remind us what we might have forgotten.

It's beautiful outside now. I took a long walk today by the East River in between phone calls and emails and e-searching for my next gig. It's spring, I feel it, and it feels good. I have, for the most part, stayed pretty positive during this whole experience. Certainly I have my times where I just want to scream, but I try and keep this all in check and redirect the emotions in other ways.

I had some good interviews this week, one in particular I'm praying day and night that I get. It's a dream job really. Decent salary, incredible benefits, and NICE people. DREAM!

I think I'll end on that happy note and continue at a later date.

Ciao Kiddies!

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