
Happy Saturday!

What a gorgeous day here in NYC! It’s so refreshing to have the sun after the long winter.

I’ve already sent out a few resumes, had some steak and eggs for breakfast, and now I’m heading out for some sun in Central Park, then off to the gym. Have to enjoy this sunshine while it’s here (it’ll be gone tomorrow). Speaking of the gym, I’ve re-dedicated myself to working out again. Better yet, to getting myself healthy again. Since losing my job, I have maybe gained……… a few pounds. I call it “unemployment weight”. You know, the sedentary way of life caused by lack of anywhere to GO during the day? I’ve sort of faced myself in the mirror (yuck) and decided that enough is enough. I tossed out all the crap in my kitchen and went grocery shopping with the copious amount of money I receive weekly from unemployment insurance. It’s one part of my life that I CAN control right now, so why not look at it as a job until I get one that actually pays.

I did get an email last night about a phone interview for Monday afternoon. I have no idea what it’s about, except that it’s an apparel company looking for an office manager. Not sure about the salary or any other specs, but really, if it’s more than I receive from unemployment, I’m pretty much game.

I’m off to relax in the sun. Au revoir kiddies!

** P.S. Subscribe to my blog! Ask your friends to subscribe. Maybe they’ll know, or know of someone who knows of a good opportunity for me!


Hello Spring!

Wow. I should've started writing this blog 4 months ago, but alas, here I am in April. Better late than never!

So - I've now been unemployed for *gasp* 4 months and 16 days. I guess one could argue that I did have a 'temporary job' for 3 1/2 weeks in March (though it's something I think I'd rather forget).

Time to put it all out in the open. I was laid off on December 1st, 2008. Like many people who had seemingly stable jobs, I never thought this would happen to me. I was completely blindsided. I had 4 hours of panic and hysteria, then got on the internet, revamped my resume and sent out around 50. Problem was, NO ONE hires in December, it's holiday season! My first 6 weeks of unemployment, there were literally no jobs open.

I decided to go and visit my parents in California and take a few days off from the stress. It was a great week. I was able to see my best friend from high school and play in the snow a little. When I got back it was more of the same. After January 6th was when I could finally start looking. It was VERY slow. I had a few interviews in January, a few in February, and one landed me a full time job to begin on March 6th. I won't really get into it, those who already know, know. Those who don't can use their imaginations. It lasted 3 1/2 weeks and ended when I contracted bacterial pneumonia somehow.

Now it's April and I'm pounding the pavement yet again, day after day, basically willing to do anything. It's scary, I know a lot of people in my position. People who had money in the bank, people who made a really good salary. People who were NOT expecting this to happen to "them". We went from traveling, living life comfortably, to putting a freeze on all our credit cards and praying we can figure out how to make rent this month. I believe with all my heart that trying times are to test our strength. Things happen for a reason, to make us stronger and to teach us or remind us what we might have forgotten.

It's beautiful outside now. I took a long walk today by the East River in between phone calls and emails and e-searching for my next gig. It's spring, I feel it, and it feels good. I have, for the most part, stayed pretty positive during this whole experience. Certainly I have my times where I just want to scream, but I try and keep this all in check and redirect the emotions in other ways.

I had some good interviews this week, one in particular I'm praying day and night that I get. It's a dream job really. Decent salary, incredible benefits, and NICE people. DREAM!

I think I'll end on that happy note and continue at a later date.

Ciao Kiddies!