
New Year, New Me

What an appropriate time to begin blogging again. Some of you are in the know of my 2010, some aren't. It's been a rough one. A little easier than 2009, for sure, but tough nonetheless.

I've been preparing for the new year by getting a head start beginning last week. I've been hitting the gym twice a day since Tuesday and have overhauled my eating habits. As some of you know, when you are depressed things sometimes get out of control. I've begun to get real with myself and accept what I've done and take the reigns to get my life back.

Let me start by recapping the 2nd half of 2010 for you all. I was lucky enough to get to visit my aunt in Baja Mexico in July. I also went to the US Open for the first time with Andreen. I spent Thanksgiving with a close friend from New York that has family in the DC area, so I wasn't alone and got to go up to NYC and visit friends on more than a few occasions.

My grandmother had a major stroke in November, so I went to California to see her in the hospital. While there I was able to see my 2 cousins Natalie and Cheyenne who I'd not seen in probably 20 years (or more). I also got to see my uncle Owen, who lives in Idaho, and my aunt came in from Baja. Even though the circumstances weren't ideal or even slightly agreeable, I was able to reunite and join with family during a somber time. My grandmother passed on the morning of Christmas Eve. This began a time of even deeper introspection.

I've made my attempts and it's just not clicking here. This past year has shown me what friends and family, and being close to them, really mean in life. Everything.

Today I write down my resolutions, I clean my house and therefore my mind, I reflect on my time and look toward an enriching and successful future.

So far in 2011.....

I already have events planned for 2011! I think 12 months from now I will be able to look back and say WOW, look what I did! I have high hopes.

Since my birthday wasn't the best of the best the past 2 years, I decided to go to Ireland on somewhat of a whim (I know, that sounds SO unlike me!). I invited a girlfriend of mine who lives in Amsterdam who is apparently as spontaneous and adventurous as I am, and she will be meeting up with me Friday afternoon.

I also have tickets to see AL PACINO in The Merchant of Venice on Broadway in early February. Al Pacino, live, on stage, WOW. That'll be something I'll always remember.


Did you know?

* Eating lentils and sausages (for good monetary fortune), and wearing red underwear are all good luck in Italy on New Year’s Eve.

In Brazil on New Year’s Eve priestesses of the local macumba voodoo cult dress in blue skirts and white blouses for a ceremony dedicated to the goddess of water, Yemanja.

In Ireland in the west the direction of the wind blowing at New Year would indicate the trend of politics in the coming year. If it blew from the west it would flourish, if from the east the English would have upper hand.

In Austria, New Year's Eve is called Sylvesterabend which is the Eve of Saint Sylvester. They make a punch made of cinnamon, sugar, and red wine in honor of him. Taverns and inns are decorated with evergreen wreaths. Evil spirits of the old year are chased away by the firing of mortars called böller.

* In Korea,
people place straw scoopers, rakes or sieves on their doors and walls to protect their families from evil spirit sin the new year.

* In Greece
special dishes are prepared at New Year but the most important dish is Vassilopitta or St Basil's cake, inside the cake is placed a silver or gold coin. The first piece is for St. Basil.

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