
Scaredy Cat

I never really fancied myself a scaredy cat.  But upon examination, I find I do actually live quite a portion of my life in fear.  Those silent, unspoken fears that you never quite want to admit to anyone, but when you crawl into bed at night, they haunt you.

Fear of being alone, fear of commitment, fear of staying in this job, fear of leaving this job, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of losing my parents, fear of losing Chhaya...

All of these things are generally kept at bay, but sometimes they creep in and like a rabid infection, spread quickly if not stopped quickly.

Lately my fear is based mostly on career.  Perhaps it is a fear of failure, but one can never succeed if one never tries.  So failure is really a form of success.  Being passive is probably the highest form of failure, really.

On my way to pick up the rental car for this weekend, I opened up my Kindle and began reading The Prosperous Coach, and I was a bit surprised to find that there were many instances addressing some of these fears.  Some of the great quotes I found inspiring were:

“Do it badly; do it slowly; do it fearfully; do it any way you have to, but do it.”
" True independence is about living a CREATED LIFE."
" Stop trying to live under the Failure Zone. Your mission is to embrace failure—not fear it. Actually, who cares if you fear failure—embrace it anyway."

On another note, I'm heading to Glasgow Lands tomorrow. This will be a great day after the nightmare week I had at work.  Although, I had a lovely time at the British Societies Summer Garden Party on Wednesday.  Met some interesting folks. Just wish there were more networking events such as this to get me better acquainted with more people in power.

On that note, I really should pack my bag, since I have to wake up at 6:30am tomorrow! 

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