
Pure Energy

I've had a busy few days (all things considered). On Monday I decided to start selling discount health plans, they also give me a free plan to use myself, so that's pretty cool too. It's for a company I've done business with before about 10 years ago. I think I resigned my business after about 4 months. I was young, unmotivated and the internet was NOTHING like it is now. It was a tough gig for me. Well, the internet has CHANGED from 10 years ago and there is no more cold calling, yay!!

On top of that I did have an in-person interview on Monday. I was pretty much spot on in my last blog. I think my cost (even coming down 20k from my last job) was out of their range. Fine. What can I do? Roll with the punches, girl! So I jumped on the subway and went to the gym.

I've been doing a lot of training calls and reading before I start selling, my estimation is to begin before the weekend.

I've also been researching another industry that I'm on the verge of working with and had a webinar with them tonight. It's a pretty exciting opportunity. I suppose opportunities are what you make of them. I will have to incorporate, so if you can think of any good names for me ( and don't be cheeky! ) then by all means, let me know!

People have been saying "good luck" to me lately with all of these ideas, but what is good luck anyway? In the sense of these businesses, sales, I'm not sure if it's luck that I need necessarily. What I need is the motivation and the desire to better my circumstances. What I need is the drive to say I don't NEED to work FOR someone. I can figure out my own way. Don't get me wrong, the resumes are still going out daily, but I can guarantee you that even if I get a "full time job", I will still be working with the other businesses. I will not do this again. I refuse to be caught in a cross fire. I will do any and everything to insure that even if I'm working with another person or company in an office or home situation, that if I lose the job, it will not have an impact on my life. I will be able to flow.

I also went to see Disney's EARTH movie today. I've been looking forward to it since I saw the trailer for it about 6 months ago. I loved it and it makes me happy that they are going to plant a tree in the Brazilian Rainforest for every ticket purchased during the first week of release.

So, on to another day tomorrow and looking forward to the HOT weekend.

Au Revoir!

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