
The First Day of the Rest of the Week

I woke up to disappointment. The first call of the day was to let me know that the *dream job* from last week isn't even going to continue interviewing for another 2 weeks, and by then the direct HR rep will have seen around 20 people. Basically I can count on that one to be a "no go". It sucked. So I lay in bed for a few minutes and then decided to get up and make the most of the rest of the day.

A little over 10 years ago when I was out of work I decided to do one of the many at-home-business-opportunities. It lasted about 4 months and I opted out. It was a lot of cold calling and I wasn't really seeing any $ coming in. Fast forward to today. I came across the same company, but now MUCH more internet forward and no cold calling. It honestly sounds like a great opportunity, so I decided to sign up this morning. I spoke with a rep there for about 30 minutes, and I should be up and running by tomorrow. I have done some calculations already, and I'm hoping that in 3-4 years, I'm making around 125k from that business alone, and any other full or part time work I do can be additional income. What I really hope, is that within 4 years I can support myself well on that income alone, so I'm able to do eco-tourism and volunteer my time to important causes.

I have a phone interview for a full time position at 3:30pm today. We'll see what happens. If I could find a full time job that even pays 2/3 my old salary, I think that would be great in addition to the work-at-home gig. WAY less stress. I'll have to see how the next few days play out.

I have to admit I'm a little worried about bills this month, but I'll use that concern to pound the pavement as hard as I can to get some more income. I need to push myself a little harder.

Recently and from different angles I've been talking to people who are or are thinking of moving abroad. I know one person who is moving to Spain next month and another looking to go to Paris. I'm really close to wanting to do the same thing. I feel I'm close to being ready to shake things up a bit again, but I also know I have to be responsible about it. I think I might be even more of a free spirit than I thought.

The weather here was SO beautiful this past weekend. I went to the gym both days and took long walks and hung with some friends. Unfortunately today is raining and cold. Perfect for getting some work done, so off I go!



  1. So sorry about the dream job gig! Here's hoping that you use this time to shake it up a bit!

  2. Hey! It's Brandy. I'm trying to figure out how to be one of your "followers" as I am on here as well. Best of luck to you hon! xo!

  3. i hear Mcdonalds in Times Square is hiring. Give it a shot

  4. Times Square McD's, right. Sounds like a plan.
